"deep juggling"
the juggling workshops of stefan sing are known worldwide. as one of the pioneers in vitalising the art of juggling, and more than 25 years experience in teaching, from beginners to
professionals, everybody can take massive inspiration as well as technical progress out of this class.
beside the technical work to connect our bodies with the objects in the outside (organic juggling), the focus will be the exploration of a metaphorical way of our juggling. juggling is
communication, juggling is a language, juggling is readable – juggling is more than juggling. juggling reaches a different level if it’s a place-holder for something else – an emotion, an
atmosphere, a thought, etc…. with partner work, improvisations, choreographies and discussions we will try to deepen our understanding of the juggling-potential to reach you and the outside on a
deeper level.
» If we’re even luckier, some of the many jugglers he’s taught will spread his gospel of technical perfection, integrated movement, and personal vision far and wide. « (juggle
magazine, 3/2011)
teaching experiences:
ESAC ( http://esac.be/fr/ )
Flic ( http://www.flicscuolacirco.it/ )
Lido ( http://www.circolido.fr/Bienvenue.html )
ENC ( http://ecolenationaledecirque.ca/fr )
Académie Fratellini ( http://www.academie-fratellini.com/ )
ACAPA ( https://fontys.edu/Home-ACaPA.htm )
Ècole de cirque de Québec ( http://www.ecoledecirque.com/en/ )
Die Etage ( https://www.dieetage.de/de/
Ecole de cirque de Bordeaux ( http://www.ecolecirquebordeaux.com/ )
Centre regional des Arts du Cirque ( http://www.centreregionaldesartsducirque.com/ )
National Centre for Circus Arts ( http://www.nationalcircus.org.uk/ )
Arts Academy Turku ( http://www.nationalcircus.org.uk/ )
La Central del Circ Barcelona ( https://www.lacentraldelcirc.cat/?lang=ca )